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Pakistani dating website
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User Name : vengaboyz 
Email : 
Gender : Male
Phone No : (Hidden)
Country : Pakistan 
City : Karachi 
Age : 26 Yrs
Height : 5 ft 8 inches
Complexion : Fair 
Favourite Songs :  
Favourite Movies :  
Occupation : Pvt. Employee 
Religion : Muslim 
Eye Color : Brown 
Marital Status : Single 
Interested in : Chatting, Dating, Business or Work, Marriage, Just a Friend,  
Friends i like : simple/modren no issue but not liaer 
More Details :
DoN kNoW mUcH AbT mAsElF. im k0Ol n w@nNa PaRtY AlL aRoUnD ... JuSt WaNt To Li/ To tH3 FuLlEsT!! i bEl|e/e tHt LiFe |s uNpR3d|cTaBlE n U nEvEr kNoW WaTs nExT...BuT kHa|r HaI YaaR!! who CaReS?? :P... cHilL!! @nEwAy aLl iN AlL |m @ pErSoN wHo w@nTs To EnJoY EaCh n e/erY B|t 0f l|fE n waNT To eXpEr|eNcE e/eRy th|nG aD/eNtErOuS ;)... yUp tHTs Me!!
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